◉ Anna Yano
Born: October 31st, 1991
From: Kanagawa prefecture
With her cute smile and au naturel fashion, Anna Yano is known as a versatile artist and model who effortlessly pulls off any look from her signature kawaii style to lolita. Her fan base centers around girls in their teens and early twenties.
Anna released “Shape My Story” in August 2013, produced by kz (livetune), and was soon chosen to be featured as a vocalist on kz’s solo project “livetune” in 2014. This was quickly followed by the release of “All Over,” another livetune production. Both of the tracks were used as theme songs for popular anime series, garnering attention from existing fans and anime fans alike.
In 2014, she traveled to a total of six countries and seven cities in Europe and Asia, promoting Harajuku culture as an artist and model. Her first photo book “Yano Anna MADE IN HARAJUKU” was released in 2015, and still continues to draw attention.
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やのあんな 日本語プロフィール1991年10月31日生まれ | 神奈川県出身 | 身長:154cm
2010年、サロンモデルをきっかけに読者モデルとして活動を開始。「Used Mix」や「mer」、「SEDA」などの青文字系雑誌を中心に活躍している。ロリータファッション誌「KERA」やメンズ誌への出演も数多く、現在注目される読者モデルの一人。人懐っこい性格と透明感のあるキュートな笑顔が魅力的で、「大のアニメ好き」という側面も持つ。
2013年8月には、kz(livetune)プロデュースの楽曲「Shape My Story」を歌い、TBSテレビ放映のアニメ「ステラ女学院高等科C³部(しーきゅーぶ)」のオープニングテーマに起用された。昨年オンエアの「魔法少女大戦」テレビアニメ版でも「livetune adding やのあんな」としてオープニングテーマ「オール・オーヴァー」のボーカルを務めた。
今年3月には初の写真集「やのあんな MADE in HARAKJUKU VOL.1」を発売。読者モデルとしての活動はそのままに、アーティストとして「原宿カルチャー×ア二メ」を盛り上げるNEWアイコンとして活躍の場を広げている。
Presented by MOSHI MOSHI NIPPON Project developed by ASOBISYSTEM
The project was launched by ASOBISYSTEM, a prominent entertainment company based in Tokyo, to promote a wider range of Japanese pop culture on an even bigger, more global level.
In December 2014, ASOBISYSTEM launched “MOSHI MOSHI BOX,” the first tourist information center in Harajuku, Japan, as part of their MOSHI MOSHI NIPPON Project. MOSHI MOSHI BOX is located in the middle of Harajuku, the mecca of Japanese pop-culture, and is offering a number of useful services to tourists. The perks include tour guides and maps, free WiFi, recharging stations, shipping services and money exchange services. You can also enjoy famous Harajuku crepes and purchase Japanese “omiyage” while visiting the center.
Visit HERE for more information ☞ MOSHI MOSHI NIPPON