★ F Chopper KOGA (bass)
★ Hana (vocal & drums)
★ TOMO-ZO (guitar)
★ OREOREONA (vocal & keyboard)
★ Mai (performer)
★ Nenne(performer)
Celebrating their 5th anniversary this year, Gacharic Spin is the strongest, most aggressive, most flamboyant all-female band from Japan!
Gacha comes from a word gacha-gacha, which means clattering, so each member’s character and sound are clattered and mixed perfectly with Hana and Oreoreona’s powerful and melancholic voice, to making their spectacularly unique sound. Anyone seeing their show would be genuinely amazed by the energy-filled live performance and excellent musicianship. Their unique stage performance instantly makes the venue a place of entertainment for all!
While performing over 100 shows annually, guitarist, bassist and the drummer all have produced tutorial DVD’s respectively and teaser videos featured on YouTube have almost 4 million views on You Tube.
In less than a year since the group started, they appeared on NHK’s nationwide broadcast program “Music Japan.” They have been busy in variety of fields, performing as the backing band for Nanase Aikawa, and working as mocap actors for the video game featuring the vocaloid “Hatsune Miku.” They even coached members of AKB48, for them to perform on “GIVE ME FIVE!” music video. In 2014, the film in which the entire group had leading roles was released.
Stretching their horizon outside Japan, they continue to make guest appearances overseas, touring and playing festivals in the US, Korea, China, Hong Kong, France and Luxemburg. At the same time, they have been playing major music festivals in Japan and in 2014, they performed at Sekigahara Live Wars Rock onna Rock, Summersonic 2014, Inazuma Rock Fes 2014, Mega Rocks 2014 and Countdown Japan 14/15.
And finally they were signed to a major record label called JVCKENWOOD Victor Entertainment Corp., and started series of their releases with an album which features best-of-songs from the indie years, called “Gachatto Best 2010-2014.” The album went to No.7 on Japan’s Oricon’s daily hit chart and No.20 on weekly chart.
They had a 5th anniversary concert at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo in October last year, which was completely sold out without any supporting acts. Sizes of their shows are getting bigger and bigger, and they are scheduled to playing another concert at Shibuya Public Hall in May 3rd this year.
Their second single “Don’t Let Me Down” is scheduled to be released on June 3rd. This single is featured as the ending theme for TV animation “Dragon Ball Kai” on Fuji Television Network.
Enthusiastically touring the world and spinning around various fields, Gacharic Spin will continue to evolve and is sure to take the world by storm.
Official Website | Official YouTube Channel | Facebook | Twitter
Gacharic Spin 日本語プロフィール ◉ Gacharic Spin 今年で結成6周年を迎える「Gacharic Spin」は、リーダーのFチョッパーKOGA(Ba.)、はな(Vo.&Dr.)、TOMO-ZO(Gt.)、オレオレオナ(Vo.&Key.)、まい(パフォーマー1号)、ねんね(パフォーマー3号)の6人からなる超攻撃的&ド派手な最強エンタメガールズバンド。 ガチャガチャな個性炸裂ガチャピンサウンドに、はなの芯のある力強いヴォーカルと、オレオレオナの哀愁漂うヴォーカルが絶妙に絡み合い、鮮烈なカラーと”笑劇的”なパフォーマンスで、誰もが楽しめるエンターテインメント空間へと変えてしまうステージは圧巻。結成から1年足らずでNHK「MUSIC JAPAN」に出演し、相川七瀬のバックバンドやゲーム初音ミクのモーションアクターを務めたり、AKB48の「GIVE ME FIVE!」で演奏・パフォーマンスを指導するなど、さまざまな分野で活動の幅を広げている。 メジャーデビューは2014年10月1日。ビクターよりインディーズ・ベスト・アルバム「ガチャっとBEST<2010-2014>」をリリースし、オリコンアルバムデイリーチャート7位、ウィークリーチャート20位の好成績を収めた。同月5日に結成5周年を祝って行われたワンマンライブはチケット完売。今年5月3日には渋谷公会堂でのワンマンライブも成功させた。 年間100本以上のライブをこなし、ギター、ベース、ドラムの3人はそれぞれ教則DVDをリリースするなど、メンバー個々でも精力的に活動している。国内だけでなく、アメリカ、韓国、中国、香港、フランス、ルクセンブルクのツアーやフェスにも参加。各国各地、さまざまな分野でGacharic Spin旋風を巻き起こし、さらに進化を続ける6人から目が離せない!! Supported by Promic (Foundation for Promotion of Music Industry and Culture) and RAIJ (Recording Industry Association of Japan)