J-POP SUMMIT IoT Ideathon at Firehouse
When: August 8th (Sat) and 9th (Sun)
Where: Firehouse inside Fort Mason Center

Through Ideathons on smart homes and new ways to use data, interact with participating companies to think about the “Internet of Things” (IoT) and lifestyles of the near future. Make sure to check out our Japanese-American start-up pitch event! At the firehouse right next to the main festival pavilion, we will be hosting 2 ideathons and a pitch event focused on the theme of the “Internet of Things” (IoT).
◉ Vol.1: “Build Up Smart Home with MESH!”
◉ Vol.2: “Hack the Data with Yamaha Motor and more!”
“Build Up Smart Home with MESH!”
When: August 8th (Sat) | 10:00am – 1:00pm
Where: Firehouse inside Fort Mason Center
With the spread of Nest and Smartthings, there has been a surge of interest in smart homes being built around Silicon Valley. This Idea-thon will offer attendees a glimpse into a new type of IoT x DIY construction using MESH and a cardboard building kit to build a prototype design of a smart house.”
◉ About MESH:
MESH (Make, Experience, Share) is an intuitive DIY invention tool for making your ideas real. It consists of wireless functional tags and visual coding canvas on a tablet. Let’s make your own “smart projects” in just few minutes! Official Website: http://meshprj.com

“Hack the Data with Yamaha Motor and more!”
When: August 9th (Sun) | 10:00am – 3:00pm
Where: Firehouse inside Fort Mason Center
With the growing popularity of activity tracking using technology like FitBit, Apple Watch and other devices that collect environmental data from sensors attached to homes and cars, a fast emerging topic days is how to utilize all the data acquired through these various devices. How will the world change when this data can be used to highlight areas of daily human life that were previously overlooked? This will be an IoT x Data Idea-thon debating the real nature of IoT.
J-POP SUMMIT Interactive: Pitch Contest
POP Tech Pitch: “Innovation Weekend SF x Japan X”
When: August 8th (Sat) | 1:30pm
Where: Firehouse inside Fort Mason Center
The 2015 J-POP SUMMIT “Interactive Pavilion” presents a Japanese-American start-up pitch contest co-sponsored by SunBridge Global Ventures, Inc. and the Women’s Startup Lab that will take place Saturday, August 8th at Firehouse.
Startups and entrepreneurs using premier technologies from Japan and America will gather to present a variety of innovative business plans. Judges will include a panel of technology investors and business accelerators active in various markets. The contest winner and runner-up will be awarded a trip to Japan and pitch at ‘Innovation Weekend Grand Finale’ in Tokyo in the end of the year with other winners from all over the world!!
For more details visit this page ☞ Innovation Weekend San Francisco
SunBridge Global Ventures, Inc:
SunBridge Global Ventures is an early-stage IT investor firm born as a spin off of SunBridge with a vision of nurturing global ventures from Japan. SunBridge Global Ventures seamlessly supports world-class entrepreneurs venturing into the global marketplace. Additional information available at: http://en.sunbridge-gv.jp
The Women’s Startup Lab:
The Women’s Startup Lab is a tech startup accelerator that nurtures and supports female entrepreneurs. The founder, Ari Horie, is a Japanese native and was recognized as one of CNN’s “10 Visionary Women” in 2014 and “40 over 40 women to Watch” in 2015. Additional information available at: www.womenstartuplab.com.
☆ Keynote: Kaoru Sugano (Dentsu Inc., Creative Director/Creative Technologist)
When: August 9th (Sun) | 1:35pm
Where: Fort Mason Center Main Stage

The Interactive Technologies Keynote from one of the world’s leading digital creators, Kaoru Sugano, will take place on Sunday, August 9th on the Fort Mason Main Stage. The Creative Director of Dentsu Inc. himself will be speaking on how pop culture and technology are tied together in the creation of digital contents.
Visit HERE for more details ☞ KEYNOTE & PANEL DISCUSSION
☆ Panel Discussion: “Manufacturing That Links Tech & Culture — The Future of the “Maker Movement”
When: August 9th (Sun) 4:10pm
Where: Fort Mason Center Main Stage
Make sure not to miss out on this opportunity to hear leading Bay Area makers and innovators talking about everything from the DIY tech movement, emerging technology, virtual reality, and next generation digital content.
★ Visit this page for more details ☞ PANEL DISCUSSION
When: August 8th (Sat) & 9th (Sun) | All Day!
Where: Fort Mason Center
▶ Read Press Release
At INTERACTIVE Pavilion we will showcase a variety of the newest IT/technology related products from hardware and software to digital arts and sciences. Experience and see the cutting-edge technology coming straight from Japan.
☞ Trade Show
インターラクティブ パビリオン(日本語で読む) 2015年8月8日(土)&9日(日) ”近未来のライフスタイル”を創造する日本のテクノロジーが大集結する、ベイエリア初の本格的な日本文化+テックの見本市を開催します! 6年間にわたり、様々な分野において日本のトレンドを紹介してきたJ-POP SUMMIT。7年目を迎える2015年は、新たに日本の最新テクノロジーとカルチャーを融合させた”インターラクティブ パビリオン”を設置します。”日本の技術が創造する近未来ライフスタイル”というコンセプト の基に、 最新技術を駆使したサービスやプロダクト、コンテンツが勢揃い! 会場で、近未来の暮らしを体験してみて。 ☆ プログラム ☆ 3)フォーラム 詳細は随時更新します!
ホーム、ワーク、モビリティという3つのカテゴリーを軸に、人々の 暮らしに寄り添い、生活を豊かに彩る様々なプロダクトが集合します。バーチャルリアリティ、スマートホーム、360°カメラ、次世代車イスなど、近未来 のライフスタイルをつくり出す最新テクノロジーを楽しみながら触って体験して!
世界中でテクノロジーのトレンドとなっているインターネット・オブ・シングス (IoT) がいかに世の中を変えて行くのかをテーマに、新しいスマートホームのプロトタイプを作ったり 、新しいデータ活用法を発想したりするアイデアソンを開催します。また、日米スタートアップ企業によるピッチイベントの開催も!
Participating Guests