Azumi Inoue (Photo Left)
Making her debut in 1983, Azumi Inoue first gained notice as the singer of the end theme for Hayao Miyazaki’s Studio Ghibli animation movie, Laputa: Castle In The Sky with “Carrying You.” Performing as a singer on many early Studio Ghibli movies, she is known for such favorites as the opening and end themes for My Neighbor Totoro: “Stroll” and “My Neighbor Totoro ;” and incidental music for Kiki’s Delivery Service: “Changing Seasons” and “Maho No Nukumori.” In addition to movie theme songs, she has also performed theme songs for local Japanese authorities, classic songs from school textbooks, as well as the official theme song for Peter Rabbit. People from all generations love her voice and music.
Yuyu (Photo Right)
Yuyu is the daughter of Azumi Inoue. In 2012 Yuyu made her debut at the age of seven on the public broadcasting channel NHK, performing the song “6 Sai No Ballad” (6 year-old’s ballad) for the TV show Minna No Uta. The show, which has a 50 year history, was bombarded with requests for the song, and the normal two month run was extended to seven, making it a huge hit. In 2013, she collaborated with rock band Watanabe Flower to release her second single “Tan Tan Tan.” Broadcast on the same show and with 700,000 hits on YouTube, it was another big success. In 2014, her song “Hanbun Otona,”(Half an adult) a duet performed with her mother Azumi Inoue, was also broadcast on NHK’s Minna No Uta, making it her third consecutive song to be shown on the program, an amazing achievement. She is currently a 12-year-old junior high school student.
1986年、スタシオジブリ・宮崎駿監督作品『天空の城ラピュタ』ED挿入歌「君をのせて」に抜擢され、澄み切った歌声と確かな歌唱力で一躍注目を集める。続く『となりのトトロ』では「さんぽ」「となりのトトロ」「おかあさん」「まいご」など、主題歌・イメージソングを数多く歌い、『魔女の宅急便』でもヴォーカルアルバムに参加、「めぐる季節」や「魔法のぬくもり」などを歌唱する。2013年10月、デビュー30周年を記念したベストアルバム『BEST -Celebration-』を発売。スタジオジブリ楽曲をはじめ、これまでの代表曲に加え、さだまさし氏書き下ろしの新曲「愛の本当のこと」を収録。
ものごころついた頃から歌手を志し、5才で母・井上あずみのアルバム『ジブリ名曲セレクション -Dear GHIBLI-』で「ナウシカレクイエム」を歌唱。6才で作成したデモテープが大抜擢され、2012年NHKみんなのうた「6さいのばらーど」で念願の歌手デビュー。昭和歌謡調のメロディとおしゃまな歌詞が人気を集め番組にはリクエストが殺到、約半年間に亘り再放送された。
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