Known in Osaka as “The Red Man,” Ken Hamazaki is a highly visible character with his signature look; shaved shinny head, a pair of dark glasses, and a completely red attire.
Ken Hamazaki, the young and inspired seeker, went to England at the tender age of twenty with intentions to launch his career in the fine arts. Upon his return to the homeland in 1992, Hamazaki opened the first gallery in Osaka’s Higashi Shinsaibashi district that was relocated to Minami-Senba subsequently. Later in 1997 he founded the “Ken Hamazaki Museum of Contemporary Art” at the same location of his gallery. The building has every visible surface painted red.
One of his recent creative performance-art production is called “Red Tea Ceremony- You Are God.” He tours around the world to demonstrate Japanese tradition with his original twist. It was introduced and well-received at the “Burning Man” festival out in the desert of Nevada.
His current inspiration for finding new ideas centers around three activities in life, “Flying,” “Sleeping,” and “Sitting.” For “Flying,” he completes a piece of artwork while flying on a plane. This is called “In-Fight Painting.” The “In-Sleep Drawing,” literally allows him to draw while lying on the floor and letting his dreams create art. While in a sitting position, he performs art projects such as the “Red Tea Ceremony- You are God.”
★ “Red Tea Ceremony- You Are God”
Red Tea Ceremony is brought to you by the world’s reddest man, Ken Hamazaki.
The way of serving tea is a great tradition of Japan that has been developed into a sacred art form through generations of tea masters. Modern artist Ken Hamazaki interpreted the tea ceremony in an “avant-garde” way and broke down the Japanese noble class art to better suit the modern citizens.
The single tatami mat (less than 10 square-feet) is its own microcosm that shuts out the outside world. Inside the invisible barriers, there is only space for two people to enjoy the silent dialogue. There are no rules: you drink tea and evaluate your experience any way you like, and that becomes the reflection of your true self. Hamazaki is only here making tea for you silently. It is you who defines the ceremony and takes away what you want to.
日本語で読む★ 浜崎健(Ken Hamazaki)
「RED TEA CEREMONY-YOU ARE GOD-」と称した茶道のパフォーマンスは、国内外問わず様々な場所(Parisのギャラリーラファイエット、Parisカルチェ社長宅、Prodigyキースフリント結婚式、南部虎弾誕生日、Misia全国ツアーなど)で披露しており、中でも、毎年アメリカ・ネバダの砂漠で開催されるアートイベント「バーニングマン」では、度々イベントのアイコンとしても象徴的に取り上げられている。
代表作であるMaze Painting(迷宮の絵画)では、有名人の肖像画や身近にある事物をモチーフに、対象の輪郭や陰影を迷路で表した作品を展開。
Puzzle Painting(パズルペインティング)では、主にモナリザをテーマに、パズルのピースを一つずつペイントして組み立て、一つの画面を作り上げている。いずれも遊び心に満ち、ミクロの世界を垣間見せると共に、見慣れた物に新たな視点を投げかけている。
「飛ぶ」は”In-Flight Painting”という飛行機の中で空を飛んでいる間に作品を仕上げるという、まさに「地に足つかないアーティスト」。
「寝る」は”In-Sleep Drawing=寝画”という毎日寝ながら作品を描くという究極の抽象画、これはまさに「夢を売る芸術家」。
「座る」は”Red Tea Ceremony -YOU ARE GOD-“と称した茶道のパフォーマンスで、国内外様々な場所で披露しており、中でも、毎年アメリカ・ネバダの砂漠で開催されるアートイベント「バーニングマン」ではイベントのアイコンとして度々取り上げられている。
★ Hechi-Ken Hamazaki Red Tea Ceremony -YOU ARE GOD-
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・YOU ARE GOD.
Sat & Sun, 1-3pm, Inside Festival Pavilion
Supported by Ito-en, SOU・SOU KYOTO San Francisco
© Ken Hamazaki