Designer / Comic Artist
Once you see designer and artist Hiroyuki-Mitsume Takahashi’s unique and colorful work, it is hard to forget it.
In addition to graphic design for posters, illustrations and the like, he handles all stages of the creative process, from planning to the designing of apparel and other merchandises by himself. His live-performances are diverse in nature, custom-fit to the venue and theme, such as his live-painting events using acrylics, brushes and spray paints, and his digital painting performances where he livens up a venue with a single laptop. He continues to put out work that leaves a lasting impression on people. He is also active internationally with performances lined-up in the United States and South Korea.
In 2015, Mitsume launched his first web comic, “HYPERSONIC Music Club,” in collaboration with Crunchyroll which led to his international recognition.
In 2017, he was selected as the second Japanese artist for Adobe Remix, a project for creators to remix the logo for Adobe Systems, which provides applications such as Illustrator and Photoshop to people worldwide. Takahashi released Adobe Remix project on April 26th. In the same month, his merchandise collaboration with apparel brand “Kansai Yamamoto” was newly released.
This coming September, he is the main guest artist at the J-POP SUMMIT 2017 held in San Francisco, USA with the official poster design featuring his illustrations inspired by the festival theme.
Mitsume creates a variety of work using images, space and performance without being bound by a single design or medium.
日本語プロフィール一度見たら忘れられない独特の色使いが特徴のデザイナー/アーティスト「タカハシ ヒロユキミツメ」。
日本だけでなく、アメリカ、韓国などでもパフォーマンスするなど、ワールドワイドに活動中。2015年には、日本のアニメやコミックなどのコンテンツを提供する会社クランチーロールとのコラボにより、ウェブコミック「HYPERSONIC Music Club」の連載を開始。
2017年は、イラストレーターやフォトショップなどのアプリケーションを全世界に提供しているAdobe Systemsのロゴをクリエイターがリミックスする企画「Adobe Remix」に日本2人目で採用。4月26日に「Adobe Remix project」が公開されました。
さらに、4月からアパレルブランド「Kansai Yamamoto」とのコラボ商品の発売されました。そして9月には、アメリカ サンフランシスコで行われる「J-POP SUMMIT 2017」にて、メインビジュアルのデザインを手掛けます。
タカハシ ヒロユキミツメは、単なる1デザインにとどまらず、ビジュアル、空間、パフォーマンスと様々なものを創りだします。
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★ Event schedule to be announced soon!
© Hiroyuki-Mitsume Takahashi